Equipped to deliver to the latest specifications for both theatrical and home entertainment to ensure your images look great in every setting.


Our Dolby Vision Certified DaVinci grading suite includes a state-of-the-art 4K HDR reference monitor.

We understand the importance of the colour grade to add mood and depth conveying your message to the audience. From Sci-fi to Romantic Comedy, Drama to Christmas Films - whatever the genre - we will develop exciting and distinctive looks for your project.

We appreciate that sometimes things happen - maybe the light changes during a shoot, perhaps the camera colour balance just isn’t quite right or the action is captured across multiple cameras. Our expertise enables us to detect and correct errors and inconsistencies helping you to produce the highest quality media.

Seamless transition of your project from the edit into the colour grade is guaranteed. We will work with you to design custom workflows with rigorous technical compliance to ensure you meet all your delivery expectations.

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VFX Partners

We work closely with York-based ViridianFX to offer the final piece of the post puzzle - Visual Effects.

As one of the leading VFX houses in the North of England, their expertise and extensive experience will enhance your creative storytelling.